In English:

At the moment we participate in the Enis-project (European network of innovative schools). See details from the link below.


The meeting of Finnish ENIS-schools in Rauma 11.-12.11.2002.
The introduction of the Risti primary school.


Nettales 2003-2006

NetTalesRisti primary school is the coordinating school in a new comenius-project "Nettales", which began in August 2003. See details in project homepage.

A trip to Trstena on October 2003. Written by pupils who where travelling with teachers to the nettales-meeting.

Plays and games -project 1998-2001

Risti primary school with three other schools from Liperi participated in comenius project during three years (1998-2001). There were also schools from: Italy, Hungary, England and Poland. The project theme was: "Plays and games". Teachers from projectschools visited Liperi in May 2000.

Comenius meeting in Liperi, Finland May 2000

Third year project: Plays and games.

This project has now ended, so we thank all the schools, who co-operated with us.

lst 2005

A music project with schools from Slovakia, Turkey and Israel. The main aim of the teleproject is creating CD-ROM full of songs which are sung, digitized and arranged by pupils and their teachers.

Let's Sing Together 2005
Let's Sing Together 2004